Nazaré and Immersive Media: New Approaches to Cultural Heritage through Mixing Old and New Media Celia Quico HTML
“I am not really sure how to explain”: Marketing Augmented Reality Experiences to New Audiences Matthew Freeman HTML
Audience as Co-writers: Using Conversational AI to Deliver Audience Agency in a Participatory Drama Rik Lander HTML
Inverting the ‘Black Box’ of Technology: The Digital Ghost Hunt Carina Westling, Elliott Hall, Mary Krell HTML
Is This Even Possible?: Co-creating University and Industry Learnings for Immersive Experiences Bronwin Patrickson, Helen Davies HTML
(In-)Between Spaces: Challenges in Defining the Experience of Space in Mixed Reality Art Exhibitions Izabela Derda, Tom Feustel, Zoi Popoli HTML
The ‘Truth of Sound’: Exploring Immersive Location Sound Recording in Realist Filmmaking Steve Whitford HTML
Dis_place: Reflections on Creating Mixed Reality Performance using Virtual Reality Technologies Kerryn Wise HTML